Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is turning 54 today, and his daughter, actress Sara Ali Khan, shared a touching birthday post on social media to celebrate. Her post gave a peek into the birthday festivities, which included Kareena Kapoor Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan.
After Sara Ali Khan shared the birthday pictures, fans quickly began reacting. One user commented, "Chotey Saif, Badey Saif aur Sara ji," while another asked about Taimur and Jeh, noting their absence in the photos. Many fans also filled the comments with red heart emojis.
Earlier today, Kareena Kapoor Khan posted some lovely then-and-now photos with Saif Ali Khan on Instagram. The first photo was from their courtship days in 2007, and the second was from a recent vacation. In her post, the Laal Singh Chaddha actress wished Saif a happy birthday and wrote, "happy birthday to the love of my life. parthenon 2007, parthenon 2024 who would have thought? as they say must keep growing which we did and quite well…"
On Saif Ali Khan's birthday, the makers of Devara unveiled his first look. The film, directed by Koratala Siva, also stars Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor. The complete look of Saif will be revealed today, July 16, at 4 pm.