
Using Kitchen Ingredients As A DIY Skincare? STOP NOW; Here's Why!!

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6 DIY Natural Ingredients To Get Ridd Off From Skincare Regime!

People are turning to their kitchen cabinets instead of their vanity shelves to find traditional remedies these days. However, not all natural products are necessarily safe for your skin-simply because they are natural does not mean they are safe.

1. Coconut oil


If you're acne-prone, coconut oil isn't the best for your skin. Coconut oil gets a lot of attention for being a good acne-buster because of its antibacterial properties, but people forget that it's comedogenic by nature. When coconut oil is applied to the skin, it forms a layer that sits on top of the skin because the molecules are too big to be absorbed into the skin, causing your pores to clog.


2. Toothpaste


Is there anyone who has not used toothpaste to remove pimples? Well, toothpaste contains peroxide and baking soda. Although some claim it works, it does not necessarily prevent new acne from developing. When toothpaste contains baking soda, the pH levels of the skin can be altered, thereby impairing its barrier function.

3. Lemon juice

It is likely that lemons are one of the DIY favourites under the sun - for treating dandruff, brightening the skin and so on. In fact, lemon juice has even been used to treat sunburns, which is ironic, since applying lemon juice to the skin can cause inflammation if it is exposed to the sun <3>. Light-sensitising ingredients in lemons can cause redness, irritation, and even blisters when exposed to light. Therefore, lemons, commonly used for lightening, can contribute to more pigmentation by causing redness and burning.


4. Vinegar

Despite the fact that vinegar does not have a basic pH like baking soda, repeated applications can result in superficial burns <4>. The other side effects include skin irritation, sunburn, and even de-pigmentation. Therefore, you should reconsider spraying and toning your skin with vinegar the next time you do!


5. Home-made scrubs

When it comes to exfoliating, you don't always have to rub your skin off. Sugar and coffee grounds may cause micro-tears in your skin since these particles don't have regular edges. Microtears make it easier for bacteria to get in, which can lead to infections, pigmentation, and scarring

6. Eggs


Often used in DIY skin and hair treatments, eggs can contain salmonella. If you accidentally ingest any of it, you may experience diarrhoea, fever, and severe stomach pain <6>. Salmonella can even infect the skin in rare instances. If you want healthy skin, eat the egg cooked, and do not put it on your face. So, the next time you see a DIY recipe, make sure you give it a double-check!

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