
The Most Popular Digital Influencer Shiivanggii Sharma The Hottest Gupshup Show 'Tea With Shi'!

By mishti manjari
New Update
The Most Popular Digital Influencer Shiivanggii Sharma  The Hottest Gupshup Show 'Tea With Shi'!

Shiivanggii Sharma is one of the most popular influencer in the digital world. She is hosting one of the hottest gupshup show ' Tea with Shi'. This podcast features celebrities global and national and Shiivanggii gets us all from their life and fun side.


Shiivanggii's podcast streams on her YouTube channel. She recently got Dubai Bling stars on her podcast, if you have missed it the link is right below :

Many think that becoming an influencer is a cakewalk journey, however, that is not the case! The journey of an influencer is filled with a lot of turbulence and hardwork to be able to invest wholesome time, energy and focus into building oneself as a brand for the audiences!


Speaking on the same, when we asked what were her most biggest challenges in the initial days of her journey, Shiivanggi Sharma explained, "Initially my first and biggest one was my dad, it was so difficult to make him understand what influencing is and how it is done! However, when he saw my dedication, skills and the huge response from my audiences, he sweetly and slowly understood and supported me. Another challenge was our society, the very world we live in is filled with judgemental, but getting that from women around you is most heartbreaking! I faced constant judgement from aunties to other older women, first i used to take it to my heart but now, I really don’t care because I know that I’m not doing anything wrong!"


While facing all these challenges, we asked what kept her so focused and became the mantra of her life as an influencer that she still lives by, Shiivanggi exclaimed, "Work hard until you don’t need to introduce yourself because people know you for your work."


Shiivanggi is one with big dreams and even bigger is her zeal to make them come true, one of them is becoming a bollywood actress. Quizzing her on whom she would love to act with, she eagerly replied Alia Bhatt as she has been called her look alike quite often. On the other hand, for an actor, she picked the powerhouse of talent and energy, Ranveer Singh!

Coming to the end of this heart-to-heart, we asked if she had to give one advice to all upcoming influencers, what would that be, she advised, "Never lose hope, when it’s the right time, things will come to you."
