
Tips For Everyday Foot Care For Those With Diabetes.

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Tips For Everyday Foot Care For Those With Diabetes.

The truth is that looking after your feet every day can be challenging, especially if you are constantly busy and lose any sensation in them. If this applies to you, it is wise to communicate with your healthcare team for a solution.


However, in this short article the Orthotic Shop have put together some tips to consider: -

I) Smoking Is Not Healthy For Your Feet

Smoking is not good for your overall health. However, if you have diabetes, smoking will cause more health-related problems than you think. That is because, first, it makes it difficult for the blood to circulate through the body, even to the feet. This places you more at risk of amputation.


If you are looking for help to stop smoking, take the first step and ask your healthcare team for support.

II) Manage Your Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, And Sugar Levels

It is wise to always keep your blood sugar in check to prevent damaging your feet. In fact, this technique is known as a preventive measure where the results can be worse. Of course, it is always easier said than done. That is because it is a process that demands knowing how to eat well and staying active. In some instances, you may be required to take some medication. All in all, it is wise to seek the services of a professional health physician to know the best action to take for you.


The good news is that we have provided a lot of information to help you manage your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. There are so many courses you can attend to help you manage diabetes. As mentioned, to know the best option for you, speak to a healthcare professional.

Do not forget to look for a support group or helpline. With their help, you can manage your diabetes.

III) Inspect Your Feet Everyday


Foot problems tend to be worse because of diabetes. This is why we have provided some guidance on the signs to look for when inspecting your feet every day. The best thing is that you can do this task every day in the morning or evening.

For example, when you are about to wear your socks, inspect your feet, or when you are taking them off in the evening. If you see any changes, seek the help of an experienced healthcare professional immediately.

If you notice that you are struggling to lift your feet, you can use a mirror to inspect the sole of your feet. If this is not possible, consider asking someone to help you. If you live alone and need help, speak to your physician.


If you have lost any feeling in your feet, you need to be very careful. That is because you will not know if you have been injured. It is wise to always seek medical advice in such cases.

IV) Be Active And Eat Well

You are recommended to seek the services of a dietitian because they are in a better position to offer the best advice based on your case. However, we have also provided a lot of information regarding healthy meals to eat, and how to maintain a balanced diet.


Do not forget to be active. Being active will help you manage diabetes and reduce the risks associated with it. If you are worried about the activities you should choose, consider speaking with your healthcare team.

V) Watch Out For Fingernails And Cuts

Cutting fingernails may seem simple, but if you have diabetes, it is easy to pierce the skin by mistake. This can lead to injuries and infections. In fact, you may not even notice that you have pierced the skin.


If you cut your toenails, follow these tips: -

• Trim the nails with nail clippers

• Cut them often but not too short or down the sides

• Use the emery board to file any corners

• Clean the toes gently with a nail brush (never use the sharp points of the scissors)

The good news is that washing is a simple way to keep the feet and toenails clean. You will only require a simple mix of soap and water. Do not soak the feet, as it will make the skin soggy, and it will likely get damaged.

If you are worried about ingrown toenails or if you have lost some sensation in your feet, consider seeing a foot specialist.

VI) Wear Fitting Footwear

It is wise to wear fitting footwear. They should not be too tight or too loose. The right shoe for you will help maintain the health of your feet. A shoe that does not fit well will cause all kinds of problems, including other items such as old innersoles, thick seams, and socks with holes. This is why when it comes to footwear, it is important to choose carefully.

When it comes to footwear, consider these tips: -

• Shoes with broad fitting

• Shoes that are low or flat-heeled

• Shoes with a rounded and deep toe area

• Shoes that can be fastened with a buckle or lace

Consult a registered podiatrist for advice if you are unsure of the fit or style that is best for you. Services such as the Society of Shoe Fitters, the Disabled Living Foundation, and the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists are in a position to help.

VII) Moisturize Your Feet Everyday

Do not forget to use moisturizing cream to keep the skin on your feet healthy. It is wise to speak to a specialist first to find out the best emollient cream that is right for you. Remember, never apply the cream between the toes because it may cause problems. This applies to talcum powder as well. The powder may cause excessive dryness, which is not good for you.

VIII) Do Not use Corn Or Blade Plasters

The skin on your feet needs to stay healthy at all times. For this reason, never consider using plasters to remove blades or corns because this can damage the skin. Rather, consider pumice stone, but be extra careful. Always speak to a professional.

IX) Always Seek Professional Advice

It is wise to seek professional advice. Moreover, it is recommended that you visit a professional at least once a year to have them check on you. This gives them an opportunity to sport signs that you may have missed. In fact, experts recommend not waiting a whole year to have your feet checked. The moment you notice a problem consult them immediately.

As you visit a professional, do not forget to ask questions about your condition, your risk factors, and more. Remember, the more you know, the better it is for you and your overall health. It will help you keep an eye on any changes that may have developed.

X) Know Who To Call

It is paramount to know who to call. In other words, it is important to keep useful numbers at hand. It should be the number of professionals who can help you with your problem. It can be a foot specialist, GP surgery, out-of-hour services, and more.

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