
Opinion: Its Problem Within The Difficulty For Already Marginalized LGBTQ+ Community As Racism Left The Community Divided! 

Opinion: Its Problem Within The Difficulty For Already Marginalized LGBTQ+ Community As Racism Left The Community Divided! 
New Update

The world is celebrating Pride month which marks the Stone Wall Movement that took place in the US and became a turning point for the LGBTQ+ community around the world. It is a fact that the LGBTQ+ community even though is growing at a rapid pace, still remains the marginalized part of the larger aspect of the society as a whole.


There still remain a lot of prejudices and stigmas related to this community. There exists a lack of acceptance for the people from this community in many parts of the world. They are the victim of several societal issues like discrimination, racism, regionalism, communalism, etc. These problems exist from the time human civilization was formed and affect each and every individual in some or the other way but it has altogether a grave impact on the LGBTQ+ community.

One of the plights that the whole world is facing is Racism. The Black Lives Matter movement which took a grip in 2020 due to the death of George Floyd highlighted the obstacle of racism in the broader sense. Unfortunately, the LGBTQ+ community is not spared from this and racism is dividing the already marginalized community.

White Gay Privilege has been trending on digital platforms for the last few days. The trend highlights the barrier of racism in the community and how based on the color the members of the community are treated differently. Intersectional stigma, such as homophobia, racism, and sexism are the larger problems faced by the community.


Back in 2019, Zoe Spears who was trans was shot dead. Another trans person Layleen Polanco Xtraveganza was found dead in her jail cell. White Gay Privilege prevails for a long time but it is widely witnessed during pride month.

There is right now a consensus that White people from the LGBTQ+ community get more benefits than black ones. In 2017 during Philly Pride, for instance, some of the community members had tried to add a black and brown stripe to the rainbow flag for a larger representation of the black community. However, this did not go down well with white members of the community and a wave of rage was ignited among white members who believed that the flag reflected unity despite skin color.

Today's generation should come forward to break such barriers and put humanity above all the discrimination should be eliminated be it on the basis of gender or race. There has to be unity within the community so they will be able to fight the bigger battles together rather than being divided on the basis of race!

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