
Proud Movement: Arvind Kejriwal receives an invite by Singapour Government to present 'The Delhi Model' 2022 at the world cities summit

By Devika Tarasinghani
Proud Movement: Arvind Kejriwal receives an invite by Singapour Government to present 'The Delhi Model' 2022 at the world cities summit
New Update


On 1st June 2022, Delhi Prime Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that he has received the invitation to attend World Cities Summit (WCS) 2022 to present ' The Delhi Model'. and is looking forward to discussing with you other leaders regarding urban solutions.

Proud Movement: Arvind Kejriwal receives an invite by Singapour Government to present 'The Delhi Model' 2022 at the world cities summit


On August 2-3, This world summit will take place. Simon Wong the high commissioner of Singapore Called on Kejriwal at the Delhi Secretariat on June 1, as per an official statement.


"High Commissioner of Singapore H.E. Mr. Simon Wong called on CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal at the Delhi Secretariat today. The Singapore Government has invited the CM to the coveted World Cities Summit. The CM has duly accepted the invitation," Kejriwal's office wrote on Twitter.


Both Arvind Kejriwal and Wong also spoke about other different avenues for cooperation and collaboration in the sectors of public housing and waste and water management. Simon Wong also said that Singapore and Delhi are two distinctive urban centers with a common set of problems.


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