
Give Your Dining Room Design a Whole New Look with These 7 Tips!

By mishti manjari
New Update
Give Your Dining Room Design a Whole New Look with These 7 Tips!

From Sunday breakfast to festive dinners, the dining room is one part of the home that you can never undermine. It needs to look the best. So, if you are someone who hosts a bunch of gatherings every now and then and is bored of the same old boring dining room design, read all the signs – you need a dining room makeover. Now giving your dining room a whole new look doesn’t involve breaking walls. You can make use of simple tips that would do to give your dining room. Wondering what are they?


Well, here we are spilling all the beans. Here are a few dining room design ideas and tips that you can borrow inspiration from:

1. Welcome a Rug to your Dining Area

Feel free to make rugs your best friend because they are a blessing to your dining room design. They make your dining room design look elegant and fresh. With ‘n’ numbers of patterns and colors, they’re the go-to way of making a statement and filling your dining room with vibrancy. Not only that, but rugs also help warm up your space. This is ideal especially if you are living in locations that receive frostbiting winter. In addition to that, they protect your floor from damage. So, if you have wooden flooring in your home that is most susceptible to damage, rugs can be your knight in shining armour.


2. Add Lights to your Décor

Lights can turn around the look and feel of your dining room design as they set the tone of your dining hall. You can choose a chandelier or go for a hanging light. If space and budget are not the constraints, a chandelier can be chosen. If they are, hanging lights can be the perfect addition. While you are at it, refrain from adding strong downlights as they can create absurd shadows. Moreover, they may focus on a single space; the right lights should scatter throughout the dining area. If you have a corner table in your dining area, you can also consider adding lamps to your décor.

3. Pick the Right Furniture for your Dining Area


Imagine a dining room without furniture. Doesn’t make sense, right? The point is furniture is the essence of a dining room design. All the more reason that you cannot afford to go wrong. You have to pick the size and shape that complements your dining area the best. How many people do you need the dining table for? Moreover, is your dining room small? Let all that factor in while picking furniture for your dining room design. You wouldn’t want to invest in a dining table that limits your space exceedingly. Go for small dining tables for a small dining room design. At the same time, avoid heavy-looking wooden tables for small dining room design, go for sleek, and minimalist dining tables.

4. Add Some Personality

It’s always a good idea to add a personal touch to your home. You can do the same to your dining room area by creating a gallery wall. Gallery walls are much in trend these days, not only because they add a personal touch, but also give provide your living room vibrancy and elegance. The cherry on the cake is, that you can switch them repeatedly whenever you wish to give your walls a fresh makeover. That said, you must plan out a layout before execution. Keep your wall size into consideration. Don’t use the entire space; doing so can make the wall look cluttered.


5. Pick the Right Décor Pieces

If going for a complete makeover is not only for the table, then simply changing your décor pieces can do wonders to the aesthetics of your dining room design. For starters, you can consider investing in new table mats, color match the accessories accordingly. You can even consider adding fresh flowers to add freshness to your dining room design.

6. Add Mirrors


If the one thing that bothers you the most in the world is a tiny dining space, then we got a solution for you. And no, the solution here is not upscaling. Instead, it is simple – just add a mirror to your dining area. Mirrors have had a good reputation for making any space look bigger owing to their reflective power. The cherry on the cake is that adding a mirror to your dining room design doesn’t only create an optical illusion of expanded space, but also adds grace to the décor. Just so you know, big round mirrors have been the centre of admiration in the home décor world as of now. Getting one for your dining area would be a great idea. You can also experiment with various other mirror designs if you’re looking for something out of the box.

7. Create New Themes

The cheapest way of revamping a dining room design is by creating new themes. For starters, you can create a color theme or pattern theme. If you have wall frames, you can consider changing them to create a theme. You can also switch your décor pieces to do the same.


The Last Word

With these tips to give your dining space a makeover, you’re all covered. However, if you’re looking to do something out of the box, want expert advice, or simply desire a makeover without making significant efforts, Livspace is the name you should resort to. Livspace is India’s go-to interior design company. They have designed over 25000+ homes, and are climbing up for more. They should be your ideal choice if you want to create your dining space the highlight of your home.

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