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Bhool Bhulaiyaa has been one of Bollywood's most iconic films till date and with Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2's teaser out today, Excitement is on all time high amongst the audiences, especially Kartik Aaryan's fans as the star trends on a social media platform.
Netizens and Twitterati has been abuzz ever since the glimpse of the film dropped today morning. With a spooky opening featuring Manjulika's creepy laugh, the beat drops to the nostalgic Bhool Bhulaiyaa music with Kartik's entry that you will feel your excitement for the film down to your skin.
No wonder the actor's fans have been uncontrollable since morning with their praises for the star as they made him trend on the social media platform.
Taking to their Twitter handles, netizens shared love and excitement on the actor's look and seeing him in such a new avatar for the first time, touting the film a blockbuster already.
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