
Shocking : Top US Doctor Tests Positive For Omicron Gives 5 Lessons To Follow :

Omicron attacks to the doctor

By chaitanya jain
New Update
Shocking : Top US Doctor Tests Positive For Omicron Gives 5 Lessons To Follow :


To protect the people from viruses like Coronavirus and Omicron in delhi there have been made rules which people are supposed to follow in order to prevent the spread of virus.

People need to now strictly follow covid rules like wearing masks , using sanitizers, maintain social distancing, not go out of house unless it is absolutely necessary, take regular covid taste and take vaccination as fast as possible.

Dr Faheem Younus, an award-winning clinician and a certified physician executive in the US, on Sunday took to Twitter and wrote, "Personal News: Omicron got me", and added, "Two weeks ago I developed symptoms and tested positive. Sharing five lessons I learned from that experience and hoping you’ll find them helpful".


This is the tweet the Doctor uploaded -

Younus wrote, "Lesson 1: Masks work…I’ve been around COVID patients over 1000 times in ~2 years and didn’t get infected due to masks/PPE. But was exposed for 2-days at a maskless family gathering and COVID got me. So yes. Masks work. Wear an N95 or KN95 if you can".

The Second Lesson he gave to be safe from omicron is


"You know the vaccine+booster did its job when the patient is back to work after 5-days (with a mask:) and telling his story on Twitter instead of fighting for his life on a ventilator. I thank vaccines. I thank God".Striking a philosophical tone, Dr Younus has suggested people think of their mortality.

According to him, "It (mortality) puts everything in perspective and allows us to make brave, meaningful decisions". "Herd immunity is good; herd mentality is bad," he added.

Lastly, Dr Faheem Younus advised people to "get boosted" and "wear KN/N95 mask". "If COVID still gets you, you’ll likely fully recover," he wrote. Dr Younus asked people to "Comply with science, then follow the heart".


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