India takes the third spot in internet shutdown .India alone witnessed 1,157 hours of shutdowns in 2021 - costing the country's economy $582.8 million (₹4,300 crore) and affecting 59.1 million Indians. Global internet shutdowns affected 486.2 million people in the last year, showing an 80% increase over the previous year.
This shutdown of net disturbs the structured and normal functioning of people.Such shutting down of internet by Indian government on its people is very harmful to its development.
Such behaviour has caused damage to the employment of the people of that country, this type of behavior will result in people getting angry on their government as internet is the biggest source of entertainment.
Out of all net shutdowns, 50 major ones were concentrated in just 21 countries including India and 75% of all internet shutdowns were associated with human rights abuses.
The Most unbelievable and shocking shutdown which created the record of largest loss was that of Myanmar. Over the past two months the military junta of Myanmar has continued to use the mechanisms for digital control put in place by Myanmar's previous regimes, escalating platform-blocking and digital censorship across Myanmar and initiating different combinations of mobile data and wireless broadband outages, including various overnight connectivity blackouts for 46 consecutive days.
Their objective is to spread so much fear that the unrest, the opposition, just dies, because people’s fear overtakes their anger. Shutting down the internet is meant to be just one demonstration of their absolute power. But it’s a vast self-harm" Said Oliver.
There should be help given to people of Myanmar from UNO, International superpower should take efforts to bring pressure on Myanmar military to treat their people properly.
For India, most economic hits were a result of the net shutdowns in the former state of Jammu & Kashmir, where only 2G connectivity was available for about 18 months.
We hope that such internet shutdown which takes away the citizens right should not happen again and people should be free to do whatever they want .