
Shocking Rise in Covid Cases in Delhi, Mumbai and Tamil Nadu . Will New year Parties and Christmas Celebration brutally cancelled, Know more :

Delhi has cases of Covid Cases .

By chaitanya jain
New Update
Shocking Rise in Covid Cases in Delhi, Mumbai and Tamil Nadu . Will New year Parties and Christmas Celebration brutally cancelled, Know more :


Delhi has highest Covid Cases in the past 6 months . New set of rules and regulations are to be followed. New Cases in Mumbai and Tamil Nadu also.

Coronavirus is again Back with a Bad News for us . It is again and again giving us trouble when we think things will come back to normal . It has created lockdown for such a long time , and we were not allowed to go home , celebrate festivals because of it but now when we thought that now we are relived and won't have any trouble being with other people and celebrating festivals , corona has came back with new cases. Corona Cases are increasing rapidly once again .

In Delhi there have been found more 125 cases which is actually a very disastrous thing specially for those who were expecting that things will be normal from now one and we will be able to play cricket , go to theaters to watch movies and celebrate festivals and new year after 2 years of Covid period.


Tamil Nadu sees huge jump of 33 new Omicron cases in a day; India's tally rises to 282All infected persons, their contacts have been isolated in the hospital.

The Omicron infection tally in Tamil Nadu rose to 34 as 33 samples were detected with the new strain on Thursday alone, the state health minister Ma Subramanian said.

Ma Subramanian said that of the 104 people who had tested Covid-19 positive after arriving in the state from abroad, 82 were detected with the 'S' gene drop variant of coronavirus.


The first Omicron case in the state was detected on December 15 when a passenger from Nigeria which is a "not-at-risk" country tested Omicron positive.It prompted the state government to write to the Centre to conduct Covid-19 tests for all international passengers arriving in the state.

Shockingly in Mumbai the number of Covid Cases has been 490 which is a very big and scary jump in the last 24 hours . Mumbai saw a jump of 160 covid cases from the previous day but did not record any fatality caused due to infection.

Maharashtra has recorded the highest number of cases 1 day spike in 48 days with 1201 cases . 8 new covid deaths were reported over there and the city has reported 204 covid cases and 327 cases on Tuesday.


No new cases of Omicron were detected today , there are a total of 65 cases of Omicron so far our of which 35 have been discharged after following a negative RT PCR test result.

All social functions in delhi like gathering , sports and entertainment have been banned . Theaters will be open with 100 percent capacity but auditorium and assembly halls can fill only upto 50 percent.

Schools and colleges will open only if they follow the sop and Restaurants and bars will be allowed only till fifty percent capacity. Delhi Metro can function upto 100 percent capacity . Wedding and funerals can not have more than 200 people .


Delhi has recorded 53 omicron cases which is highest among all the states and union Territories. Not only this but Delhi is a also suffering from air pollution and their air quality has decreased to a huge extent and the air which delhi people are breathing in certain areas can be harmful for their lungs and heart.

The Rate of Coronavirus increase is one again started so we should take precautions if we don't want another Lockdown and want things to be under control soon .

We definitely need to wear masks , use sanitizer, the use of sanitizer has been decreased since the past few months among the common people which is not a good thing .


We need to follow social distancing, we need to wear masks , avoid unnecessary gatherings with people and work from home as much as possible and let's expect and hope that things remain normal and the covid virus gets away from our country and our homes , actually not only from our country but from our whole world.

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