
Shocking : 20 YouTube Channel were Working From Pakistan Against India, Centre Has Banned Them , Know more :

Pakistani anti India channel banned

By chaitanya jain
New Update
Shocking : 20 YouTube Channel were Working From Pakistan Against India, Centre Has Banned Them , Know more :


20 YouTube Channel and 2 websites were spreading incorrect things about India and they were aiming at making india infamous, All of them are banned now .

There are a lot of youtube channel which aim at criticising india and criticising extreme nationalism and there are even those youtube channels which make fun of Pakistan and say bad things to pakistan. There are also a lot of channel in pakistan which make fun of India .

On youtube a lot of channels make thumbnail which is controversial and clickbait involving countries as they help in increasing the views many times.


But this time the problem is that from Pakistan there was professional help given to spread misinformation about India and do anti India propoganda.

The centre said that this channel were made for the soul aim of spreading anti India propoganda. The centre said after a coordinated effort between ministry of information and broadcasting and intelligence agency that these channels and websites must be banned at all costs.

The problem is not only that they were spreading anti India propoganda but was also that most of their content was on sensitive and vulnerable and confidential topics of India linked to national security and the information which they spread was purposefully factually incorrect in such a way that they have a negative impact on India.


Said the ministry in a statement.The Government said that the Channels and websites belonged to a coordinated disinformation network operating from Pakistan and spreading fake news about various sensitive subjects related to india .

They were carefully aiming at spreading hatred and misinformation related to topic like kashmir , Indian army, minorities in india , ram mandir and other hindu muslim topics .

They were doing this purposefully so that they could spread negativity among Indians and divide the Hindu and Muslims of India . The special aim of them was that the feeling of nationalism should not be there in indian muslims and they should think and feel that indian and Hindus are against them and will do everything to destroy them and their culture.


This feeling of hatred among Muslim will create hindu muslim fights and Pakistan will take the advantage of it was the intention.Efforts are being made from across the border to spread misinformation , fear and confusion through fake news and anti India content said information and broadcasting minister Anurag Thakur in a video message.

Action has been taken against them under the IT rule so that the agenda that pakistan carries out against India is blunted . Strict action has been taken against them so that such forces do not work against India .

The Disinformation campaign was run from a Pakistani group called Naya Pakistan Group by Pakistani news channels .


Together they have a subscriber base of about 35 lakhs and their views are about 55 crores. This Naya Pakistan Group was having 15 channel , 2 websites and some standalone channels they were violating rules so a strong investigation was taken.

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