Scientists from Japan have made Facemasks which have an incredible abality to detect covid particle .
These Facemasks starts glowing after coming in contact with covid particles.The game-changing tech was developed by researchers at the Kyoto Prefectural University in Japan.
Japanese People are hardworking they are known for their discipline. It is the result of their discipline and hardwork that they were able to create such fantastic masks.
The Facemasks has two very special ingredients - antibodies from ostrich eggs and fluorescent dye. An innovative detection system was created by Yasuhiro Tsukamoto's team.
If all goes well and government approval is granted, these Covid-detecting fluorescent masks could be available in the market by 2022.
The Biggest questions is why have they used ostrich eggs , why not normal eggs . Ostrich eggs usage also makes it difficult to produce such masks on large scale and also makes them expensive, then why have ostrich eggs been used.
The answer is Ostriches are gifted birds, for they can create antibodies that are capable of killing foreign entities in their body.
Equipped with a special filter which can be taken out of the mask, scientists have devised a spray containing a fluorescent dye with Covid-19 antibodies sourced from Ostrich eggs.
Let's hope this masks come as early as possible and help us in the times of covid and bring the situation of world back to normal.