
Portugal Employees are at the top of Happiness as their Boss can get jailed if they message after work, know why :

Portugal make it illegal for bosses to text employees after work.

By chaitanya jain
Portugal Employees are at the top of Happiness as their Boss can get jailed if they message after work, know why :
New Update


In Portugal there are strict laws and one of such laws which is recently made is that it is illegal for bosses to message their employees after work .

A Lot of employees feel troubled by their boss , this is not news from a long time and specially recently employees feel that their salary is less and the amount of work that they have to do is very much more as compared to what they should be doing .

Even after this a lot of employees don't get their salaries on time and their boss even asks them to work after work hours and they are forced to do the work and don't have any other option. They also have to face criticism from their seniors if their work is not proper and don't get holidays easily.


Due to so many problems which the employees face , the government has brought certain rules and regulations for the support of employees which will help the employees to have a better and stress-free life.

Work from home is thought by people that it is like a vacation but it in reality it is a huge burden of work. Well, that hasn't worked well for the mental health of employees and Portugal has acknowledged it.

Portugal's ruling Socialist Party has approved legislation that will make sure this is a thing of the past for people working from home. Under the new rules, employers could face penalties for contacting workers outside of office hours.


Companies will also have to help pay for expenses incurred by remote working, such as higher electricity and internet bills.Companies can now face fines for contacting workers outside of their normal working hours, the new rules state. Employers are also forbidden from monitoring

their employees while they work at home.However, a proposal to include the so-called "right to disconnect" - the legal right to switch off work-related messages and devices outside office hours - was rejected by Portugal's MPs.

What do you think about the new laws which are being made , do you think such laws should be in india also.

#Trending #Illegal #Law #Employees #Portugal #Work
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