
Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 30 October 2021:

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this Astrological prediction;)

By sapna
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Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 30 October 2021:

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this Astrological prediction;)


Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20):


Financially, the day appears favourable for those working in call centres and customer care departments. Make physical activity a part of your daily routine to stay fit. You will have to meet the right people to get financial support for your venture. In a social situation, don't let your body language show you don't like someone's presence. You will need to be extra careful of a close competitor, who is all set to pip you to the post.


Love Focus: Luck may favour those searching for a suitable partner.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Yellow


Taurus (Apr 21-May 20):


Businesspersons must do everything possible to get their business back on track once again. Always remain alert of cyber fraud by not disclosing your personal information on the phone or the internet. The health of those feeling under the weather is likely to improve. If you are unable to handle a situation, someone's help will prove a godsend. A property deal may get finalised. Get your focus back in studies to crack a competitive exam. 


Love Focus: Don't let your simmering differences with your spouse come out in the open. 

Lucky Number: 

Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown


Gemini (May 21-Jun 21):


Be there for your child and genuinely listen to him/ her to fully understand their perspective on an issue. Your potential to handle an increased workload is likely to impress higher-ups and load you with more responsibilities.  


Put your best foot forward on the academic front to do well. Take some concrete steps to get financially stronger. Joining a gym will be a step in the right direction for those trying to shed weight. 

Love Focus: Some of you may travel out of the city to meet your future life partner. 

Lucky Number:11


Lucky Colour: Electric Blue

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22)


Good performance may help some students regain their lost confidence. A sports achievement may get you a long-awaited recognition. Financial contribution to the household by a newly employed family youngster will be most welcome. The ill-health of a family elder may show signs of improvement. Those dealing in property may find the day gainful. If you don't want to become a target at work, do your work and do it well. 

Love Focus: A gift from your lover, something you had keenly desired, is likely to make your day. 

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23):


The networking prowess of those in business is likely to bring all old clients once again into their fold. Strike a balance between leisure and studies to ensure your preparations don't suffer. Take parents into confidence, if you are faced with a situation of a career switch. Some government officials can travel to another city on transfer. You will need to be fitter to become part of your sports team. Judicious investments will ensure financial stability.  

Love Focus: Keep your romance alive by spending more time with your partner.

Lucky Number:18

Lucky Colour: Chocolate

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):


Your knowledge about the field of expertise is likely to impress the boss. It is important to set the right pace for preparing for a competitive exam to cover all subjects. This is the time to make conscious efforts to reconnect with your loved ones. Someone under your charge may need medical help, but it will be nothing serious. Beware of a financial setback. Don't get cheated in a property deal by the sweet talk of an unscrupulous property dealer.

Love Focus: You may manage to charm someone with your charisma and pizzazz.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Rust

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):


You are likely to do excellent work of a job assigned to you. Be upfront in accepting your weaknesses in academics to get the right kind of help. A moody family elder can keep you on your toes today, so play smart. You will do well to manage your finances for saving for your future needs. Use Google Maps while travelling today, lest you lose your way. Gymming with friends will prove most beneficial.

Love Focus: Lonely hearts may find a ray of hope appearing on the love front.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):


Those in the entertainment industry can expect a reward or recognition for their work. Those freshly out of college may find some excellent job opportunities. A family outing today will be fun. Better confirm a juicy gossip making the rounds before you add fuel to fire. You may manage to raise a loan for constructing your house. Start early today, if you are going on a long journey. Don't overdo the fitness part, as you can overstrain yourself.

Love Focus: Devote time to love to keep the romantic flame burning bright.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Purple

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):


Today, take the opportunity to implement your ideas at work but leave major decisions to seniors. You will need to work harder to make things happen for you on the academic front. Be at your convincing best to make a family senior agree to your suggestion of shifting to another city. The date of an old property case may come up, so get ready to attend court. Those who find themselves getting on in years must learn to age gracefully. 

Love Focus: Curb your suspicious nature, if you want your relationship to survive.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Peach

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 21):


You are likely to enjoy the day with someone who shares your interests. Be magnanimous enough to share the proceeds from a property inherited by you with your siblings. You may drop in at someone's place without notice and give him/ her a pleasant surprise. Getting ticked off for omitting something important at work is possible today. Cramming may not work in subjects you have chosen in your college. Start taking interest in your fitness to remain ever-youthful. 

Love Focus: You can seriously consider shifting in with your sweetheart. 

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Lavender

Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19):


Grandparents can expect grandchildren to brighten up their homes today. Forming a good equation with someone influential will be in your favour. You can plan a short trip with family within the city. Chances of a favourable decision regarding property under litigation look bright. Home remedies will prove effective against a seasonal ailment. Be careful, as someone in your office may tattle against you to the boss. Tardy progress in preparations can cost you, dear, so pull up our socks.

Love Focus: Today, you can take your partner to an exclusive restaurant. 

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):


There is much to do at the office today, so prioritise your tasks beforehand and accomplish them methodically. Your financial situation may not be strong now but will improve over time. A family get-together is in the pipeline and will give you a chance to meet your near and dear ones after a long time. Health-wise, you remain fine. Remember, there is no room for half-hearted attempts in a competitive exam, you either prepare well or skip it entirely. 

Love Focus: Those unable to start a family can go in for medical intervention. 

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Pink

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