
Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 28 October 2021:

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this Astrological prediction:

By sapna
Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 28 October 2021:
New Update

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this Astrological prediction:


Aries (March 21-April 20):

Grab the opportunity that presents itself on the job front. Your achievements are likely to get you into the good books of the teacher. At work, don't take any initiative without the consent of higher-ups. Sedentary life may make your plan on a pastime involving physical activity. A family elder may require personal care. Your monetary condition is set to improve. An out of court settlement on a property dispute is possible. Don't be judgmental about people.


Love Focus: Partner can spring a nice surprise today, so act surprised.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green


Taurus (April 21-May 20):

A hectic day for doctors and medical staff is foreseen. Those preparing for a competitive exam will benefit by discussing important topics with fellow students. A decision taken in haste regarding an employee's performance can affect him/ her adversely, so reconsider it. Those going out of town by road can expect a pleasant drive today. Homemakers may get complimented for their creativity and aestheticism. You are likely to join a gym. 


Love Focus: Don't go back on a promise, as your partner may not take it in the right spirit.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Beige


Gemini (May 21-June 21):

If you are getting confused regarding what is important and what is not for the exams, reach out to your teachers. There is no point in investing money in a project that may not get off the ground. Those under debt will manage to raise money to repay their loans. If you are suffering from any health issues, it is best to take medical advice. Those holding responsible positions in the company can face a challenging situation today. 


Love Focus: Newlyweds will make their married life happy and blissful.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Baby Pink


Cancer (June 22-July 22):

Your depth of knowledge and thorough preparation will make you farewell in a competitive exam. A special assignment is likely to come your way at work. Lockdown had isolated all, but now it is the time to reconnect with important people. If something bothers you, confide in someone close to get it off your chest. Expect your financial situation to improve substantially. You are likely to earn good money from the sale of your property. 


Love Focus: Partner may feel pessimistic and need emotional support, so be there for him/ her.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Aqua Green

Leo (July 23-August 23):

The onus of taking your family business to greater heights may fall on your shoulders. Spending the day with friends and having an enjoyable time is indicated for some. You will save enough to go on a foreign trip. Counter mental fatigue by taking up yoga. Your property is set to increase in value. At work, you will need to pull up underperformers. Put in more effort in studies, if you expect to crack the competitive exams. 

Love Focus: You will enjoy an evening out with your lover today.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Coffee

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

You are likely to get a pat on the back for your recent academic achievements. At work, your mere presence will motivate your team members to give their best. You will keep multiplying your money through your financial acumen. Attending a religious ceremony is on the cards for some. Everything will come out normal in your annual health check-up, so rejoice. Be careful on the road today. Don't let heated arguments provoke you or affect you mentally; these situations are best ignored. 

Love Focus: Today, spending time with your lover will prove most fulfilling.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

Libra (September 24-October 23):

Those freshly out of college may get a break on the job front. A preparatory institute can help you in preparing for competitive exams. Someone may use you for his/ her selfish ends, so be careful. Some of you are likely to plan a visit to your grandparents in another city. You will have enough to go in for a luxury item that you are reluctant to buy. Those suffering from mental stress will find meditation most beneficial.

Love Focus: Problems in your relationship need urgent resolution, so don't neglect them.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Cream

Scorpio (October 24-November 22):

Chances of receiving pay arrears look bright for those in government service. You may travel to another city for a friend's marriage or some celebration. Getting the completion certificate of your house is possible. Don't shirk your workplace responsibilities, as someone can report against you. If a competitive exam appears daunting, simply calm your mind and trust your preparation, and you will do well. Neglecting health can hurt your body. 

Love Focus: You may take an instant liking for someone newly introduced to you and the feeling will be mutual.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Indigo

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21):

Your boss is likely to give full credit to you for a job well done. Excellent opportunities for higher studies appear on the horizon, thanks to your academic achievements. Financially, you are likely to grow much stronger than before. Train under an expert to get six-packs. A birthday or an anniversary celebration on a luxury cruise liner is foreseen for some. Those sitting idle at home will have fun gossiping on a chat app. 

Love Focus: If you consider lover your future life mate, take your parents into confidence.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Off White

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A subordinate at work, who you think is no good, is likely to prove you wrong. You are likely to make parents proud by clearing a tough competitive exam. Money given to someone in good faith will be returned with interest. You are likely to take your fitness level a notch higher just by being regular in workouts. Don't gossip about others. Those alarmed by climate change may join a campaign for its social awareness. 

Love Focus: Love life of those feeling stagnated in a relationship is set to improve.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Red

Aquarius (January 22-February 19):

If you want to do well in academics, put in the required hard work by burning the midnight oil. A family outing is in the offing and will be a most welcome change. Your sterling performance at work may make you an indispensable member of your company. Money or no money, you will not shy away from contributing to a just cause. You can get overworked and suffer burnout, so slow down a bit. 

Love Focus: It is important to clear a misunderstanding with your partner to save the relationship.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Lemon

Pisces (February 20-March 20):

Someone's monetary support will be most timely and a great source of relief. Put in some more effort in academics to boost your self-confidence in writing exams. You are likely to have an edge over your immediate competitor on the business front. Monetary health turns excellent, as money flows in. The weather may play spoilsport for those enjoying the outdoors in the mountains. You may finally get rid of an ailment that has dogged you for a long. 

Love Focus: You will manage to smoothen the kinks in your married life.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Baby Pink

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