
Rachel Platten Opens Up About Her Postpartum Anxitey: Read To Know More

By Aditya
Rachel Platten Opens Up About Her Postpartum Anxitey: Read To Know More
New Update

Rachel Platten is being honest about suffering postpartum anxiety again after the birth of her second baby.


The singer and husband Kevin Lazan have been blessed with their second baby, daughter Sophie Jo, on Sept. 9, and on Tuesday, the mom uploaded a selfie on Instagram with her younger baby and talked about the "mental rollercoaster" of postpartum anxiety.

Rachel Platten along with her Baby

"I did not want to write this post. In fact, i hid from social media for 2 months because of it. But here it is, i have postpartum anxiety again," writes Platten, who is also mom to 2½-year-old daughter Violet Skye. "I thought, I'll share about it when I'm 'better'. I'll have a really powerful story about how i overcame it. And everyone will think oh she's so strong bla bla."


"But f--- that," she adds. "i don't want one other single mother out there to experience the same feelings of shame, loneliness, and fear that i did if maybe reading about my story NOW can help you. Because this can be hell if you think you're alone."

Platten says the "reality" of the postpartum experience is not talked about "enough" because "so often mothers are shocked that it is nothing like they expected."

"Nothing like the way social media can often make it look. All easy and sepia toned and gentle and cuddly. Believe me, I also want to post pictures of my beautiful newborn Sophie, and tell you stories about what an incredibly loving big sister violet is. Or about how much joy i get breastfeeding her and watching her learn to smile. And i will soon! Because all of that is true!" she continues.


"But what is also true right now is this daily mental rollercoaster that I'm on," says Platten. "A wave of irrational worry or fear or depression comes and it can knock me over if i don't use all of my tools: compassion for myself is the biggest. But It also takes breath work, meditation, exercise, acupuncture medication (oh we'll talk about this one later!!), therapy, tremendous support and vulnerability and courage to ride these waves."


Platten adds, "I'm so incredibly proud of myself for every time I'm able to remember the truth of who I am. I am not this runaway train of a brain that makes everything a problem and kept me up alone with insomnia for nights feeling hopeless. I am a beautiful soul, a whole being, who is taking it moment by moment and is courageously getting herself the support she needs."

"So there it is, Im sorry I've hid this from everyone. I didn't want to suffer in public, not again. but i know sometimes this community is exactly the thing i need to remember how loved and supported i am, how much we all are," she concluded the post.

On Father's Day earlier this year, Platten paid tribute to Lazan, sharing a gallery of sweet photos featuring him and their firstborn: "To this special guy: for waking up early every, single, morning with vivi, for carrying way too many dolls everywhere, for reading SO many books, for changing so many diapers, for making the best dad jokes, for cooking, dancing, swing pushing, tear drying, hug giving, life planning, Moana singing and so much more."


"You are the most wonderful father and husband and we are very very lucky," she added at the time. "Happy Father's Day kevy, we're so happy you're our guy."

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