The uncanny resemblance of Brad Pitt, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Margot Robbie, Kate Winslet and 5 more Hollywood stars with their stunt doubles will leave your jaw agape–view pics!
While many actors prefer doing their stunts, the onus for the most dangerous ones still falls onto their stunt doubles, many a time for no other reason other than the fact that the production doesn’t want to put their star’s safety in jeopardy, unless the star is the main producer like Tom Cruise or Jackie Chan. Then there’s the case of some actors being up in age for stunts or just that body doubles need to be used for certain stock shots when the actors don’t need to be physically present and the shoot can’t be delayed. Anyway, here are 9 Hollywood A-listers and the uncanny resemblance they bear with their stunt doubles…
1. Brad Pitt:
2. Kate Winslet:
3. Arnold Schwarzenegger:
4. Robert De Niro:
5. Michael Douglas:
6. Andrew Garfield:
7. Margot Robbie:
8. Chris Evans:
9. Karen Gillan:
Which celebrity is your favourite! Comment below!