
Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 27 October 2021:

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this Astrological prediction

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Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 27 October 2021:

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this Astrological prediction;)


Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20)

You may soon realise that remaining on good terms with teachers has its advantages. A new member arriving in the family can get you in a jubilant mood. You must take concrete steps to improve your financial situation. Getting a promotion is great, but it may saddle you with increased responsibilities. Start early, if you are undertaking a long journey by road. Those vulnerable to infections due to low immunity should take extra care.


Love Focus: Partner can give you the silent treatment today for something you have said. 

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Peach


Taurus (Apr 21-May 20)

You are likely to visit a holy place with family today. Investing in gold appears promising and so is investing in property, so you may go for either of them. Preparing for a competitive exam may leave you with little time for leisure. Don't play with your health by having erratic meal hours. A property matter threatens to spoil your relationship with siblings; prevent it if you can. Mistakes at work cannot be ruled out today, so discharge your duties carefully.


Love Focus: Those looking for a lifemate will manage to find one. 

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown


Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

New skills and qualifications acquired by you are likely to increase your employability. Success is foretold for those involved in academic pursuits. A family elder needs company, so spare some time for him/ her. Returns from your previous investments are best reinvested, so take your call. You will need to teach your child that winning isn't everything, it is the participation that counts. You may travel a long distance to meet a relative today. Embrace positivity for good mental health. 


Love Focus: An unexpected marriage proposal can put you in a dilemma. 

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey


Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22)

A financial deal is likely to work out in your favour and bring in profits. Acquiring a new property is on the cards for some. Don't believe in gossip about a family youngster; instead find things for yourself. Your health concerns will prove unfounded and give you a big sigh of relief. It may not be the best time to implement your ideas in business. School work may pile up, if you are not regular in completing it.

Love Focus: Your college romance may blossom and make your days more meaningful. 

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Silver Grey

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23):

Financially, your situation will improve as the business grows. You may take the initiative of refurnishing your home. You may opt for public transport to go on a trip, rather take the strain of driving your own car. Your fitness routine will keep you fit as a fiddle. Keep a sharp eye on employees, as things may not be what they seem. Don't be over smart with teachers, as you can be brought to ground zero in no time.

Love Focus: You can get attracted to someone you meet for the first time. 

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Light Brown

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):

If you help your boss to succeed, he/ she will certainly look after your interests. Your excellent preparation will help you score high in a competitive exam. Health tips given by a friend are likely to do wonders for your body. Money expected to be released may make you plan for a house renovation. Something not completed may take some more time but will be ultimately done. Ward off loneliness by remaining in touch with everyone. 

Love Focus: Frequent meetings with your steady date will help in knowing each other better. 

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Sea Green

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):

Get set for a financial bonanza that can get your coffers brimming. Your efforts in the gym will get you that perfect body you always desired. Buying a property at less than the market rate will prove a coup of sorts. You may cancel something important due to circumstances beyond your control. Don't create differences in children by making one your favourite, it can play on the mental health of the rest. The verdict may get delayed for property under litigation. 

Love Focus: Get set for special treatment by partner today. 

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Teal

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):

Finding a suitable match for someone eligible in the family is possible and calls for celebration. Money saved for special occasions may come in handy now. You may get an ancestral property done up for a marriage of a family youngster. You may give your ideas at work, but don't expect them to get accepted. Some of you can take up an interesting hobby. Don't attempt road travel with a bad back, as it can aggravate the problem.

Love Focus: Those romantically involve are likely to find the day most fulfilling. 

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):

Your skills are likely to get tested today at work, but you will manage to impress one and all. Becoming a part of the editorial board of a school or college magazine is possible for some. Those involved in betting are likely to win handsomely. Go easy on fast food, as you can get stuck with lifestyle diseases. A trip to the seaside will be most invigorating. A new source of income is possible. 

Love Focus: You may get upset as your partner may deny what you want from him/ her.

Lucky Number:3

Lucky Colour: Saffron

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 21):

A journey to a foreign country is possible in the near future for some. Those in the hospitality industry may find their business booming. If you are seeking admission in another city, you are not likely to face any difficulty. Those in financial doldrums will manage to stabilise their position. Someone hospitalised is likely to show marked improvement. You may be given the responsibility for organising a picnic. Discourage family youngsters who spend long hours on their mobile phones.

Love Focus: A perfect romantic evening will be most fulfilling. 

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Electric Blue

Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19):

Someone who was against you in the past may take the initiative to normalise the relationship. New investment is likely to make you financially stronger. Good job openings are indicated for those looking for employment. A feeling of optimism will help you keep your attitude positive. Your efforts on the academic front will not go in vain. Buying a new luxury item is possible. You may proceed on an official tour. Pay your dues in time to avoid penalties. 

Love Focus: You may not find a partner very communicative today, find out why.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):

If you are reluctant to mingle, make it a point to go out of your way to meet people to overcome this reluctance. Don't let anyone's negative attitude affect your performance at work. Putting pressure on a family youngster to perform well in academics may become necessary. Your professional skills may come in for appreciation at work. Shopping may prove heavy on the pocket, so be judicious in spending. Maintain good health by choosing healthy options. 

Love Focus: Keep your romance on a low key today, if you don't it gets revealed.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey

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