
Dispatch Unveiled Dating History Timeline Between Kim Seon Ho And Choi Young Ah Following Gaslighting & Forced Abortion Accusations

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.

By minal
Dispatch Unveiled Dating History Timeline Between Kim Seon Ho And Choi Young Ah Following Gaslighting &  Forced Abortion Accusations
New Update


Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

On 17th October an anonymous Korean female made accusations against Kim Seon Ho for gaslighting and forcing abortion via the online community website Nate Pann. She revealed that Kim Seon Ho caused her physical and mental trauma since the two started dating in early 2020.


Later Kim Seon Ho admitted to the accusations and apologized to the ex-girlfriend for the negligence. Following the actor scandal, multiple brands removed Kim seon ho commercial from their websites and/or social media platforms. 

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

“Why He Decided To Ghost Us, Too” Say’s Brand Representative While Clarifying Why Actor Kim Seon Ho Was Removed From Commercials Even Before He Admitted To Gaslighting Controversy


Recently Dispatch revealed the entire dating history between Kim Seon Ho and Choi Young Ah who was a former weather forecaster turned influencer. They found out that there are more holes in the story and the further they dug into it, the more questions they had for Choi Young Ah about the truth.

At the end of 2019, Choi Young Ah met Kim Seon Ho through a gathering with her friends. In early March 2020, the two started dating. In mid-March, she admitted to Kim Seon Ho that she had been married before and is a divorcee, which flustered Kim Seon Ho a little. After consulting with his friend, however, Kim Seon Ho decided he still wanted to date her.

Kim Seon Ho wanted to be with Choi Young Ah, so he used to travel to Busan and Gapyeong a lot to spend time with her. The two frequented the zoo, amusement parks, and Seoul suburbs.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

In her revelation, Choi Young Ah stated that the two had to keep their relationship secret and they couldn’t even hold hands in public. Dispatch questioned why she tried to hide the good memories she made with Kim Seon Ho out. Dispatch also pointed out that she accused Kim Seon Ho of changing personalities after the abortion, but their visit to the aforementioned pet café came after the abortion.

On July 8, 2020, Kim Seon Ho received a lengthy apology message from Choi Young Ah. The message followed the couple’s first break-up on the 7th of June. Dispatch commented that Choi Young Ah had repeatedly lied to Kim Seon Ho which caused him to bid her goodbye.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

The message says:

I’m sorry for doing this, Seon Ho, when you’re on set for shoots. I love you and I want the best for you but I know that can’t justify the fact that I’ve been lying to you. I know everything I’ve done wrong to you. I wanted us to be happy, so I tried to keep you in the blind. But I see now that it has hurt you and made you miserable. I’m so broken hearted right now, but it’s all my fault. So I’m going to learn from it and put up with this pain.

I know you don’t want to hear me out right now and you probably can’t even believe anything I say. But you meant everything to me and so I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart again. I’m sorry for the times that I’ve hurt you.

I’ve stayed home since last night and thought about what I could’ve done differently. I also thought about how you must have felt and what I can do from here on. I decided that I can change by being more transparent with you. I’ve always thought I’m a complicated person and so I can’t share a lot about myself, but I realize now that I could’ve just chosen to open up to you. It’s a shame I’m only seeing how easy that would have been because I know you tried to convince me once but I didn’t understand.

It’s not that I didn’t mind lying to you. I did what I did because I love you so much. In fact, the way I feel about you is so much more than just love. I cherish you. And I have always wanted to protect you. And I think it led me to make some wrong decisions.
Yesterday, you tried to give me a second chance so that I could make things right between us. I know I have disappointed you beyond repair at this point, but if only you could find it in your heart to let me try again, I’ll give it my best.

Lying isn’t habitual for me. I made a mistake because we’ve been getting into a lot of fights lately and I didn’t want to make things uncomfortable between us. I was stupid to make such a choice, but I honestly wanted us to be happy. That’s all. I’m not trying to excuse myself for the choice I made. I’m just saying I was trying to do what’s best for us. I regret it deeply now.

I know that had I told you the truth, you would have told me that it’s all okay. But I guess I became afraid that you might feel anxious deep inside. And I wanted you to feel completely safe with me. Come to think of it, I don’t know if I could’ve done the same, had I been in your position. I know you tried really hard to understand where I’m coming from. I also know that you tried to help me make the right choices, too. That’s why yesterday I felt like I can finally come clean. It scared me, but in the moment, I felt like I could tell you everything and just start over on the right foot. It must have come as such a shock to you though, I know how offended and baffled you must have felt.

This is super selfish of me, but spending time with you made me expect a grand future for us. Yet it also made me feel terrified when you started becoming more popular with your career really taking off with those tv shows, movies, etc. I think I started feeling pressured, like I should become a better person too so that I deserve to stay by your side… so that we can have the future that we always dreamed of.

That might explain why I started rushing into things more recently. I know I’ve been hasty with contracts and YouTube. It’s not for money or success though. It’s because I wanted to become someone worthy to be with you.

You must be feeling extremely angry and betrayed right now. But I never, ever meant to make you feel that way. I only wanted us to be happy. I should have known better. Can you please let me fix this? I promise you, I will earn your trust back. I know you’re disappointed because I keep making the same mistakes and you don’t have it in you to trust me anymore. And I know you probably don’t even want anything to do with me anymore, but please give me one more chance. It’s all up to me to make it up to you and I really want to give us another try.

You’re the only one I have, Seon Ho. But if you end up leaving me, I’m ready to accept that decision too-because I love you. That’s how much I love you and how serious I am about us. But if you could please give me the chance to make this right, I will. Can you please remember the good things about us and let us try again? I will never, ever hide anything from you ever again and I’ll never try to justify my wrongdoings either.


After receiving the apologetic text message from Choi Young Ah, Kim Seon Ho consulted a friend and it quickly turned into more of a vent session which revealed a bit more about what led to the fight, the break-up, and the apology.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

Kim Seon Ho: I just broke up . This is seriously ridiculous.


Friend A: In the morning?

Kim Seon Ho: I caught her lying early yesterday morning. I cut her some slack before. But she got caught lying again, saying she didn’t hang out with another man when she did.

Kim Seon Ho: What’s worse is, when I asked her about it, she thought  I was talking about something else. So she ended up telling me about a different man than she met up with.


Friend A: She must have met up with a lot of other men.

Kim Seon Ho: She met them for work, but she didn’t want to tell me about them.

Kim Seon Ho: I told that she can go to clubs and meet up with guys. I told her I won’t get mad about it as long as she tells me where she is and drops me a text when she gets home. But she couldn’t even do that for me.

Friend A: That’s all we ever want, but can’t ever get…

Kim Seon Ho: Once, I got done with a shoot early. So I asked her what she was doing, she said she was sleeping. I went to her house with a gift, but she wasn’t home. Her car was also gone. After that, she said she wouldn’t lie anymore. I’m so angry.

Friend A: You need to date someone else. Don’t be with someone who stresses you out like that.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

Friend A: How do you feel?

Kim Seon Ho: I still like her… but I know where this is headed.

Kim Seon Ho: And I know she’ll start lying again.

Friend A: The chances of that are higher.

Friend A: Do you see a future with her?

Kim Seon Ho: Not quite yet.

Kim Seon Ho: She poured her heart out in this message, but… sigh.

Friend A: It’s upsetting how everyone else seems to have it easy… Falling in love, dating, and getting married, even. But it’s so difficult .

Friend A: The way I see it, she’ll keep making the same mistakes.

Kim Seon Ho: My head hurts… I don’t think she can change.

Friend A: The stuff you see in shows like ‘The World of the Married’ or ‘Love & War… They’re real.

Kim Seon Ho: When I try to see it from an outsider’s perspective, it makes sense. But when I’m in the middle of it all, I feel like I’m drowning.

Kim Seon Ho: I can’t think clearly and it’s so frustrating.

Friend A: You know she’s playing you but you’re letting her.

The next day, Kim Seon Ho forgave Choi Young Ah. He accepted the advice from his hoobae actor and “Friend B,” who told him that Choi Young Ah wouldn’t do such a thing again.

Dispatch claimed that this “Friend B” is also the theater actor that Choi Young Ah referred to in her original revelation. He is Kim Seon Ho’s closest friend and the two completely trust each other.

According to Dispatch’s timeline, Choi Young Ah confirmed she was pregnant on 24th July 2020. She had been emotional when she texted and called Kim Seon Ho, though in her revelation she said that Kim Seon Ho reacted negatively. Friend B’s story, however, is different. He revealed that Kim Seon Ho’s message called the pregnancy a blessing and comforted her not to cry.

Friend B: At first, he celebrated it with her. He said it’s a good thing to have happened to them. But in reality, he was actually scared. He thought about it a lot. Unfortunately, the two agreed to let the baby go and he couldn’t have been more cautious when he talked to me about it.

Om 27th July on the day of the abortion, Friend B waited a while for the couple in the parking lot. Friend B said, "They came down with swollen eyes. The decision must not have been easy to make. When I went to the hospital with , went around shopping for seaweed soup. He’s not someone who is great at cooking, but…"

After the abortion, Kim Seon Ho is said to have cooked seaweed soup for Choi Young Ah for two weeks. Note that in Korea, seaweed soup is highly recommended for women who have recently given birth. In an episode of 2 Days 1 Night, he can be seen reciting the recipe for seaweed soup. Dispatch stated that while Choi Young Ah had been taken care of as such, she accused Kim Seon Ho of having completely changed in attitude following the abortion.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

Dispatch then questioned why Choi Young Ah insisted that Kim Seon Ho wanted to hide her from his parents. According to Choi Young Ah’s Friend C. "Even after the abortion, she grew close with Seon Ho’s parents. He tried hard to be trustworthy. He also adopted a Shiba named Hoa (Ho+Ah) so she wouldn’t be lonely while staying by herself," Friend c added.

Dispatch also brought up how Choi Young Ah accused Kim Seon Ho of being money-hungry. While her revelation made it sound like he only provided the ₩2.00 million KRW (about $1,710 USD) after the abortion, her “Friend D” told Dispatch a completely different story.

Friend D:

Her tendency to splurge on luxuries made things difficult for Kim Seon Ho. During Christmas, she bought a luxury bag worth ₩7.00 million KRW (about $5,990 USD). She used her own card but had Kim Seon Ho pay it off. She bragged about it, so all of us know.

I was dumbfounded when I heard about the “abortion money” thing.

I’ve never seen Choi Young Ah pay for anything. Kim Seon Ho paid for most of her things. He’s the one who likes luxury goods?  Please. Everyone around her knows who is the one actually obsessed with luxury goods.

Both Friend C and Friend D sided with Kim Seon Ho, despite their friendships with Choi Young Ah.

They said, "Choi Young Ah also worried about the abortion. Of course, it’s not an easy decision to make. Kim Seon Ho must be tired of her lies. It’s ironic that she is criticizing him at this point. She grew pretty possessive too. She would check his phone for texts and DMs. She wanted Kim Seon Ho to go bankrupt and come back to her. And, well, that’s what happened."

Back in January 2021, Dispatch received a tipping email about Choi Young Ah and her ex-husband, the reason for their divorce, and Kim Seon Ho’s relationship with her.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />

Inbox: The Hottest Rising Star And An Influencer Who Was Once Married To A Chaebol

From: Anonymous

To: Dispatch

January 11, Monday 2:15 PM

I think actor Kim Seon Ho, who is gaining popularity with the shows like 2 Nights 1 Day and Start-Up, is coming by my apartment complex more frequently these days. I’ve seen him in the elevators, although he tries to hide his face with a hat. It has been months already.

He’s dating the KBS weather presenter Choi Young Ah who is , rich, and once married to . Choi is now a seller on Instagram. I couldn’t snap any pictures of her in the elevator though. (Her IG @ is ).


Before Choi finalized her divorce from her ex-husband, she . I’m not sure if Kim Seon Ho knows about this, but I’m pretty sure he keeps going over to her house. He’s all masked up but I’m certain it’s him. He looks exactly like the Kim Seon Ho I’ve seen on TV. Anyway, I saw him at least four times—all on Sundays though.

Since I can’t verify if it’s Kim Seon Ho, why don’t you look into it and cross-check? . He could be a Kim Seon Ho look-alike whom I might have mistaken to be the actor. So I’ll let Dispatch do the rest. , you know. I’ve seen him in the apartment parking lot too.

Contact information:
Sender IP:

Dispatch revealed what Kim Seon Ho’s “Friend E” remembered about his relationship with Choi Young Ah around January 2021. Friend E stated:

Kim Seon Ho once told me that he was having a hard time because of the situation surrounding Choi Young ah. Apparently, she said she was receiving threats, getting harassed by gangsters,  dealing with harassment from the wife of her ex-husband, facing lawsuits, and so on. He said he couldn’t handle a lot of what’s happening.

Kim Seon Ho and Choi Young Ah once checked each other’s KakaoTalk messages. At that time, he discovered that she had numerous audio and video recordings of him. Think about it from his perspective, wouldn’t that be scary?

Based on Dispatch’s timeline, Kim Seon Ho and Choi Young Ah’s relationship lasted through April 2021. In May 2021, the two separated ways. Dispatch questioned the validity of Choi Young Ah’s revelation, as the report wrapped up with some final words from Friend B.

Kim Seon Ho told me that he doesn’t want to fight her while the entire nation watches on because after all, it is true that he couldn’t keep the baby. And he tried to understand because he loved her at one point… That’s why, instead of arguing the points she made in her revelation, he just apologized. That’s the kind of person Kim Seon Ho is.

Their relationship had been perfectly normal. He never tried to keep her secret. I mean, I saw it all. Didn’t I?

SALT Entertainment has since stated they have no comment to share about Dispatch’s report. Currently, Choi Young Ah has set her Instagram to private, though her online shopping mall is still open for business. In summary, Dispatch also released a timeline of the relationship between Kim Seon Ho and Choi Young Ah.

Dispatch revealed the full dating history between Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend Choi Young Ah who made gaslighting and forced abortion accusations.<br />
  • End of 2019: They met for the first time at a friend’s gathering
  • February 2020: The two went on dates at cafes and theaters
  • Early March 2020: They started seeing each other exclusively.
  • Mid-March 2020: Choi Young Ah acknowledged her previous divorce.
  • April-June 2020: The two went on dates throughout Busan, Gapyeong, Han River, and Seoul.
  • July 7, 2020: Kim Seon Ho and Choi Young Ah broke up for the first time, over her repeated lies.
  • July 8, 2020: Choi Young Ah apologized and Kim Seon Ho accepted the apology.
  • July 24, 2020: Choi Young Ah got pregnant.
  • July 27, 2020: The two aborted their baby.
  • End of July – Early August 2020: Kim Seon Ho introduced Choi Young Ah to his parents.
  • Mid-August 2020: Kim Seon Ho cooked for Choi Young Ah, gave her herbal medicine, and adopted Hoa.
  • September 2020: The two attended a friend’s gathering.
  • October 7, 2020: They went to a pet cafe with friends.
  • October – December 2020: Kim Seon Ho appeared in Start-Up.
  • December 2020: Choi Young Ah’s personal issues arise
  • January 11, 2021: Dispatch received a tip-off about Kim Seon Ho, Choi Young Ah, and her background.
  • January – March 2021: Kim Seon Ho starred in a musical begins and Choi Young Ah attended.
  • April 2021: The two decided they need time apart.
  • May 2021: Kim Seon Ho and Choi Young Ah broke up for the final time.
  • June 2021: Choi Young Ah sent him a hate message.
  • October 2021: Choi Young Ah uploaded the revelation online.

Many questions are raised in my mind-- the accusation that has been done by his ex-GF why haven't been raised when they had a breakup? Why only when Kim Seon Ho was at the peak of his success?

It is really high time for all of us to understand that before raising the questions or defaming the person without knowing the whole truth can ruin someone's life or might force a person to take their life. Every media outlet only targets celebrities without full investigation they really don't care whether the controversy is true or not.

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