
Varanasi: The scientists successful in developing the "Brimato", Have a look on it!

The scientists of ICAR-IIVR in Varanasi successful in inventing the plant "Brimato", which yeilds both Brinjals and tomatoes.

Varanasi: The scientists successful in developing the "Brimato", Have a look on it!
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Varanasi: ICAR-IIVR have successful in developing the  technique to cultivate a plant in which both the Brinjals and tomatoes yeilds together.


New Delhi: The scientists of Indian Council of Agriculture Research’s and Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (ICAR-IIVR) have successful in developing the technique to cultivate a plant in which both the Brinjals and tomatoes yeilds together.


The scientists named this plant as "Brimato". The "Bri" from the Brinjals and " Mato" from the Tomatoes.

The breakthrough will The breakthrough will allow the cultivation of more vegetables in smaller spaces in semi-urban and urban areas, such as in kitchen gardens. This is expected to improve the availability of vegetables and reduce the input cost on labour, water and chemicals etc.

The each plant of the "Brimato" is has a power to yeild 3-4 kilograms of Brinjals and 2-3 Kilograms of Tomatoes.


Indian Institute of Vegetables Research (IIVR) has before successful in grafted a plant named 'Pomata'. This plants cultivate the potatoes and tomatoes.

Brimato was developed through dual or multiple grafting, wherein two or more ‘scions’ of the same plant family are grafted together to harvest more than one vegetable from a single plant. The parent plants of the Brimato are an enhanced brinjal hybrid known as ‘Kashi Sandesh’ and an improved variety of tomato ‘Kashi Aman’, which were grafted into the brinjal rootstock known as IC 111056.

The benefits of the 'Brimato':


According to Dr T.K. Behera, director of ICAR-IIVR, this new method of producing two vegetables from the same plant will help meet current nutritional and productivity challenges arising out of a lack of space for cultivation.

Also adding to this he told - “Earlier, this was restricted to flowers or fruits, but we have expanded it to vegetables. Brimato will be very helpful in terms of nutritional security — it is the best method to ensure domestic nutrition as prices of vegetables increase. It also reduces costs and residual toxicity, with low chemical presence in crops.”

The director of ICAR-IIVR Dr Behera said- "Brimato can be developed merely at a cost of Rs 10-11, and a month in duration. With an adaptation of this to a large commercial scale, which is being tried, the plant availability price will also reduce to Rs 4-5 per plant. Moreover, scientists are also planning to develop many such varieties with working on grafting of other vegetables together too.”


The Behera also said- that the technique that developed Brimato will also be a promising tool for increasing crop tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, such as adverse climatic conditions — it can withstand excessive waterlogging as well as drought-like scenarios.

#Varanasi #Tomatoes #Scientists of IIVR- ICAR. #Brinjals #Brimato
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