
Do you know any Aquarius personalities? Check out these 10 best and worst traits of this Intellectual Zodiac Sign!

Do you know any Aquarius personalities? Check out these 10 best and worst traits of this Intellectual Zodiac Sign!
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There are aspects of your Sun sign that you love and feel proud of, and others you sort of wish you didn't have to be associated with. But all zodiac signs possess a mix of positive and negative personality traits, and getting more in touch with yours can help you go a long way in terms of personal growth and development.

In astrology, Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Aquarius shares several traits with their fellow Air signs, Libra and Gemini. If your birthday falls between the dates of January 20 and February 18, you have an Aquarius Sun sign!


What is an Aquarius?

Represented by the symbol of the Water Bearer, Aquarians tend to be deep thinkers who love getting into the thick of problems and figuring things out. They are able to handle abstract problems like a pro because they are out-of-the-box thinkers.


As the element of the air itself, Aquarius is hard to pin down. Even when you think you've got them all figured out, they do or say something that proves you don't know them at all.

But even though it can be hard to understand what makes an Aquarius tick, it's unlikely you'll ever doubt that their main goal in life is to make a difference and bring good to the world. While their hot and cold attitude may drive you crazy, there's something about having an Aquarius in your life that makes everything seem better.

The Aquarius zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Uranus. Under Uranus, Aquarius gets their penchant for rebellion, as well as their urge to constantly explore new things.


The position of this planet also makes it easier to understand why Aquarius is so drawn to being an independent, forward-thinking person; Uranus is the planet of originality and freedom, after all. Therefore, Aquarius is very free-spirited.

Aquarius is a Fixed sign, along with Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. A zodiac sign's modality determines their "modus operandi," or the way they typically operate. Fixed signs are more likely to be introspective rather than outgoing, and also tend to be more stubborn and rooted in their beliefs.

Aquarius doesn't think in the same way as most other star signs. This individuality and uniqueness are what often makes them seem weird or unusual to others. But, above all, Aquarius is one of the friendliest Air signs and looks out for their friends and family.


5 Best Aquarius Personality Traits

1. Positive


One of the best Aquarius traits is their willingness to see the best in you. They are the type of person to give you the benefit of the doubt in almost every situation because they truly believe you have the right answers inside of yourself, even if that means having to dig deep to find them.

Aquarius also believes in second chances, as long as you show them that you deserve one. They can smell dishonesty and manipulation from a mile away, though, so don’t ever take advantage of their kindness. If you do, they’ll make sure you regret it.

2. Courageous


Aquarius isn’t afraid to stand up for themselves. This sign is a lot of things, but one thing they definitely are not is a rug for others to walk on. Whether they're fighting for a cause they believe in or defending themselves in an argument, Aquarius is strong and never afraid to stand up for what is right.

Sure, Aquarius might get nervous during a confrontation, as most people do, but all of their jitters go away when the topic centres around something they're passionate about. Give them a reason to fight and they’ll show you that they never back down.

3. Intelligent


Aquarius has big brains and knows how to use them. They love learning and are always searching for new and interesting factoids to quench their thirst for knowledge. They also love teaching others, because it’s their way of bonding.

But while they're always keeping an eye out for interesting classes online or at the local community college, Aquarius isn’t only book-smart. And although it might sound cheesy, they love having those late-night, deep conversations that last for hours that you can only have with someone you’re really close with.

4. Creative

Aquarius sees the world differently. They can definitely be labeled right-brained individuals, considering how often they think outside of the box.

Their creative side isn't only apparent in their work, but also in the way they think. You won’t see Aquarius looking at things in a linear, logical fashion, but you will see them turning problems upside down to solve them.

Their genius in this way is inspiring. Aquarius wants to be known as the person who brings innovation and imagination to everything they do in life, and it's more likely than not that they will be.

5. Reliable

You can always lean on Aquarius and they make an amazing friend. Not only will they be there in a flash the moment you tell them you need a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold, but they’ll stick by you through thick and thin if they love you.

Aquarius is a great ;listener, too. Whenever you have a problem or just want someone you can talk to, they're there to lend an ear. And if you need help finding your direction in life, Aquarius should be your go-to person because they're great at giving solid advice.

6. Independent

Aquarius can never be tied down. While it’s true Aquarius has a lot of close friends and loves meeting new people, you’ll have a hard time tying one down for good. They love their independence and need the freedom to be happy.

Aquarius is a lone wolf who will always choose to love themselves over loving anyone else. It’s not a secret that Aquarius tends to be a bit detached. But while it may seem like they're being cold and don't want you around, that's only because they enjoy being on their own.

4 Worst Aquarius Personality Traits

7. Mysterious

The fact that Aquarius is a mystery might sound intriguing to some people, but, in reality, it will probably just mess with your head. Do they like you, or are they just being nice? Are you still friends after that big fight, or do they now hate your guts?

You could ask all kinds of questions like these after an encounter with an Aquarius, but you won’t get many answers. Aquarius' aloofness makes it hard to tell if they're into you or if they want you to leave them alone. They probably seem both happy to see you and indifferent to your presence at the same time.

It's pretty much impossible to know what an Aquarius thinks about any person or situation of any kind. Confusing, right?

8. Extreme

Aquarius is an all-or-nothing type of thinker. For this sign, it's less about being ride-or-die and more about being somewhat of an extremist.

While it’s true that Aquarius never does anything halfway, they also tend to do and say things in order to prove a point. They're known for being quite rebellious, which often gets them into more trouble than they were expecting.

9. Temperamental

On the surface, Aquarius doesn’t seem like the type of person to lose their cool over nothing. They don't sweat the small stuff and tend to shrug off most encounters with people who try to make them mad.

That said, if you keep poking the bear (or water-bearer, that is), they will lash out, and it won’t be pretty. When Aquarius is provoked, their mostly-secret fiery temper will come out. What makes it worse is that Aquarius tends to bottle up anger until it’s too late — for you and themselves.

10. Overthinker

The thoughtfulness of an Aquarius can get them into trouble. Aquarius is by no means an impulsive person. They tend to be thoughtful in everything they do. This is great, of course, but it can also lead them to get stuck in a rut of overthinking.

And when Aquarius overthinks things, they often lose out. When the time comes to move forward to gain something they know they've wanted for a long, long time, they can't help but pause to weigh the pros and cons — again — before finally making their move.

While this is a good quality in some situations, in others, it means waiting so long the opportunity disappears forever. Aquarius is also no stranger to buyer’s remorse. They need to learn how to find that happy middle-ground, which we all know is oh-so-hard for them to do.

Do you know any Aquarius personalities matching these traits? Comment below;)

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