
“The way to build your savings is by spending less each month.” Happy National Savings Day!

“The way to build your savings is by spending less each month.” Happy National Savings Day!
New Update


National Savings Day sets aside October 12th to recognize those who value the act of saving and to provide simple steps to show getting started isn’t as difficult as it may seem.

Many of us already save every day. We’ve been doing it for a long time. We collect sentimental items because they mean something to us and they evoke emotion. These objects come in all forms. For some, it might be a baseball glove that reminds you of playing catch with your dad. Another person may save an engagement ring passed down through generation. Others save boxes full of t-shirts representing years of concerts.


We save lots of things for extended periods of time, and they accumulate quite well.

Transferring this concept to a portion of our paycheck every month isn’t that far of a stretch. Consider the savings account your junk drawer or the sock basket. Only when a savings account is overflowing, you won’t be so annoyed.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalSavingsDay:


Open a savings account if you don’t already have one. Save a portion of your paycheck each week. Set it up with your account to be automatically deposited. You’ll never miss it. Before you know it, you’ll have a portion saved up. Setting goals helps, too. Share your tips for saving money. Visit with a savings professional for more ways to save.

Use #NationalSavingsDay to be a part of the conversation on social media.



Capital One founded National Savings Day to empower people to feel more confident about their relationship with money by educating them on how saving money can be a simple, straightforward experience that fits more naturally into their lives and existing behaviors.


The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National Savings Day to be observed annually beginning in 2017.

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