An Alligator scarily takes away a little boys fish in a spine chilling video that has gone viral on social media.
Alligators are probably the most dangerous and ancient animals of all times. Once they catch someone even if it's a lion it cannot be alive.
The short clip which is having over thousands of views , was posted to Facebook which has thousands of views, was posted by Sean macmahon from Florida.
Sean's son dauson was fishing in a pond in Florida. He caught a fish but suddenly something large came out of water and snatched the fish away .
Sean shouted " oh my god Alligator" and dauson left the fishing stick and ran behind.Sean captioned the video with " alligator allert !Dauson caught a bass tonight and out of nowhere came an alligator and took away his bass and ripped his pole in water "
People commented that in Florida wherever there is water there are crocodiles and so one should always be careful.