
Aloe Vera Village: In This Indian Village Everyone cultivate the Aloe Vera plants in courtyard, field. See pics:

By vaishnavi
New Update
Aloe Vera Village:  In This Indian Village Everyone cultivate the Aloe Vera plants in courtyard, field. See pics:

Aloe Vera is a plant, which is same as Cactus that grows in hot, dry climates. As we all known that Aloe Vera is good and have many benefits for skin. Do you know that where the Aloe Vera plants grow?


Today we are going to solve your all queries regarding who the Aloe Vera plants grow? Where they grow? Everything will get clear, only for that you need to read the full article!

Aloe Vera plants grow in a “Jharkhand Village”, which is also known as ‘Aloe Vera’ village because of the substantial amount of Aloe Vera being produced in the village.


In Jharkhand, Deori Village in the Nagri Block of Ranchi Cultivate aloe vera in all their field and courtyard.

"With the high demand for aloe vera gel, we're working towards making our products to the next level. Aloe Vera production requires less attention in terms of irrigation," One of the many cultivators Manju said.


The village was rechristened after taken up under Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) –Birsa Agricultural University (BAU) -Tribal Sub-plan (TSP) in December 2018.

Few year ago, the Birsa Agricultural University surveyed, and get to know that majority of villagers showed interest in growing the Aloe Vera plants.


So, the villagers took up plantation of aloe vera and other medicinal plants to boost their income. Earlier the village used to cultivate the paddy crops for income.

The University provided nearly 6,000 plants to the villagers along with fertilizers and a sprinkler system.


A Dewri village said that they used to earn Rs 3,000 per month from the paddy cultivation.
However, from the Aloe Vera cultivation, their income has increased between Rs5,000 and Rs6,000.

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