
'Q' Explains That The James Bond franchise Requires A 'Radical' Change To Go Forward

'Q' Explains That The James Bond franchise Requires A 'Radical' Change To Go Forward
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Actor Ben Whishaw opens up about the 'James Bond' spy movie franchise saying that it will need a severe change to move ahead.


"If they want to continue with this character and the franchise, I think you can explode it and do anything," Whishaw, who depicts 'Q' for the third time in the latest instalment, explains this week's episode.


"I don't know what that should be, but it seems to me like it should be something quite radical, something really different. It's got to change; it's got to keep changing. We're in different times now." He knows that won't be an easy task.

"There will always be people who want it to stick to the way it was whenever ago, and they're important, because they love these films," he says.


Whishaw continued: "But I think you can do both. You can honour the character and the tradition, and you can push it forward, too. And I think you have to, if it's not just going to become a kind of museum piece."

Whishaw lets out that he's relaxed the studio argued the movie be exclusively released in theatres.

"I'm happy for any film that gets a release at the cinema, but I think particularly something like this," he says. "It's not meant to be watched at home. It's just something about the scale, the majesty, the whole experience of it."


'No Time to Die will be coming up on theatres in the US on October 8 after having its world premiere on Tuesday in London.

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