
Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 8 September 2021:

Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 8 September 2021:
New Update

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this astrological prediction;)


Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20):

Today, you may spend a major portion of your office time in clearing the backlog. For students, it is best to get an outside assistance to complete a difficult school project. Money loaned to someone may not be returned in a hurry, so wait some more before taking legal recourse. With the pandemic weakening, it is time to join a gym to get back in shape. Your love for long distance driving may take you to the mountains.


Love Focus: Love grows as you let partner do his or her own thing.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Light Grey


Taurus (Apr 21-May 20):

Piled up work at office may seem unsurmountable, but you will manage it efficiently. Money from a secondary source will give a big boost to your bank balance. Underage driving needs to be firmly discouraged, as it can get the minor and his or her parent in big trouble. After a long lay-off, some of you may find coming back into your former shape an uphill task.


Love Focus: Keep your love life under the wraps, if you are not very sure of it, yet.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Navy Blue


Gemini (May 21-Jun 21):

Those who have splurged money buying stuff online should now make saving money their top priority. You are likely to be shortlisted for promotion, so keep your fingers crossed! A project you have submitted at school is likely to be shown around the class as one of the best. Finding an interesting travel companion will help shorten the distance. Avoid straining yourself too much with the household work or it may affect your health.


Focus: Don’t keep reacting to partner’s moods, instead learn to assert yourself.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Bottle Green


Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22):

Today, by completing all your pending office work, you will feel as if a great load has been taken off from your shoulders. You may apply for a personal loan for buying a major household item. It is best not to exert yourself just too much if you are feeling under the weather. Becoming your teacher’s favourite will in no way improve your grades, but putting in hard work will.


Love Focus: Don’t check lover’s mobile phone without permission, if you want peace to reign.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Magenta

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23):

You may not be on talking terms with partner over an issue today, but there is no point in prolonging the agony by waiting as to who blinks first! Don’t treat a family youngster harshly, just because you are in a bad mood. Have no reservations in saying yes to a favour asked for by a workplace senior; it can benefit you at a later date. You are likely to employ your spare time in pursuing an old hobby that you had discontinued.

Love Focus: Don’t always agree to your lover’s suggestions.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Lemon

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):

You are likely to visit a foreign country for a joint business venture, so go well prepared. A little more effort on your part will enable you to cross an academic hurdle that has become a problem of late. A family youngster is likely to win a local match and boast about it for days to come! Getting serious about a popular western diet is possible, but it may not suit you.

Love Focus: A thoughtless comment can make lover see red and walk out on you, so be careful.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: White

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):

Getting counselled for improving your performance at work is possible, so get your act together. Someone is likely to seek your assistance in taking an important decision. A subject you are weak in may require taking a private tuition, so budget for the same. Financially, you are set to gain from a property transaction. Travelling with an old friend on a long journey may get you all nostalgic about the good old days.

Love Focus: Meeting the parents of the one you love is indicated, so be at your best.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Lavender

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):

A lucrative deal you have sealed will not only be profitable for the company, but also for your career progression. A hefty commission is in store for some marketing and business development personnel. Your dream of studying abroad may come true, sooner than you think. Putting your money in a property without doing background check can make you lose money. Good eating habits will keep you healthy. Homemakers may get into a cleaning spree today.

Love Focus: Partner can lavish gifts on you today just to get you into the mood!

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Violet

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):

A wedding planned sometime later this year will remain on track and can see a lot of connected activities at home. You may have to dig deep into your pockets to finance an expensive event. A vacation to a dream destination will be immensely fulfilling. It is best not to give back in the same coin to someone who has been harsh with you. Don’t cast aspersions on anyone without going into the full details.

Love Focus: Spending time together with future life partner during courtship has its own charm.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Silver

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 21):

Some of you may welcome a new addition to the family. Planning for a big celebration maybe underway. Family support and counselling will help bring a family member out of depression. Students may be busy preparing for an exam. Participating in a friendly competition is likely to awaken your competitive spirit and lead you to victory. Customer care and hospitality executives may find it difficult to handle angry customers today. Remain extra alert while driving on a highway and avoid proximity to heavy vehicles.

Love Focus: Love life gives immense pleasure.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Parrot Green

Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19):

You will manage to multiply the money acquired through inheritance via sound investments. A bonus is in offing for some. Those experiencing bouts of anxiety are likely to benefit from group therapy. If you are called upon for a decision, be absolutely partial. Buying property is indicated for some. A tiff with someone in the joint family can take an ugly turn and force members to take sides. It is best to settle things amicably by listening to family elders.

Love Focus: It may be difficult to find time for romance today.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Cream

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):

You may need to utilise your money saved for the rainy day. Monetary support from an outside source will come as a great relief. Selling off an ancestral property is possible, since you need the money. You remain disease-free by taking full precautions. Much to your disappointment, work from home may not be allowed in your current job. A gossip doing the rounds needs to be nipped in the bud. Don’t judge anyone on his or her appearance.

Love Focus: A competitor is all set to steal the affections of your lover.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Plum

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