
Naseeruddin Shah Has Question to 'Hindustani Muslims', Read Full Story Here:

Naseeruddin Shah Has Question to 'Hindustani Muslims', Read Full Story Here:
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In his own style and fluent Urdu language iconic Bollywood senior actor Naseeruddin Shah asks a question to Indian Muslim communities for celebrating Taliban’s victory in the Afghanistan.

Recently US troops withdrawn from Afghanistan and flown their last flight with troops, in accordance with that Taliban took over the complete hold on the country as of now there is no official governing or Army bodies.

Celebration videos and images got viral in media after US’ withdraw, there were some celebration happened in many Islamic groups all over the world, specially terrorist organizations and groups belong to Taliban, India was not exception for that.


In his video message recorded in Urdu, Shah drew distinctions between ‘Hindustani Islam’ and what is practiced in other parts of the world.

He said those who are celebrating the revival of Taliban, should question themselves, “if they want a reformed, modern Islam (jiddat pasandi modernity), or live with the old barbarism (vaishipan) of the past few centuries.”


Islam in India has always been different from Islam around the world, he said, adding, “May God not bring a time when it changes so much that we cannot even recognize it”.

He mentioned his own personal relationship with God, and that he doesn’t need political religion. “I am an Indian Muslim and as Mirza Ghalib said years ago, my relationship with God is informal. I don’t need political religion,” he said.

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