
"Novels let you travel without moving your feet!" Top 5 Controversial novels of all times!

By sapna
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"Novels let you travel without moving your feet!" Top 5 Controversial novels of all times!

Freedom of speech & expression with your thoughts are widely considered into mistaken belief now. Whether it is a book or an article an author must be deeply knowing that where exactly is the feather in the cap. History remains the same but these 5 novels have created a stroke in the minds of the folks in a nauseous and perplexed manner. Read on to know our top 5 most controversial novels of all time.


Top 5 Controversial novels of all times:

1.The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger:


This book is about a protagonist character, Holden canfield as he turns to deal with his oppressive life. Book revolves around his life and contempt language about sexuality and adulthood. It is a strange thing to evaluate now that this book is counted as one of the best works of J.D Salinger in the field of literature but in the early 20’s the scenario was much more brutish. The hitch of this artwork was the offensiveness towards the social incongruity such as racism and sexism. In 1978, the book was banned in high schools in Issaquah, Washington for being part of “an overall communist plot”.

2. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov:


In unsacred terms, this novel is a regardless love story. A middle-aged man who falls for a young girl who is certainly 12-year-old Many newspapers and columns suggested that this is a work of materialistic symbolism of erotica and sexual content and also gave a hyperbole review of the novel. Whereas author Vladimir Nabokov mentioned in his discussion that his intention was not to touch the hearts of the reader or create an illusion in the mind but only to hatch the artistry of reading on the next level. Mr Nabokov also mentioned that this would be a “Time Bombing” on the infants and adults who seeks to prepensely define love.

3. The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie:


This book is a Total cold-blooded written by the author Salman Rushdie. It is a grossly exposed fact of the prophet Mohammad. As the title itself untangles the mystery of the controversy. Salman Rushdie is a strict atheist and he has spelt out that Mohammad was actually on an inferior “mission”. To today’s date, this book has counted the most bloodcurdling reagency. It was later announced that the author of the book is sentenced to death or the Muslims might attack and spatter his body in butchery. This book clearly stated that Prophet Mohammad had secluded writers who wrote a fiction story in the Quran to lay hold of people’s mindsets.

4. Tampa by Alissa Nutting:


Excellent, Hilariously Dark, and Mean”. Tampa is another masterpiece by a debuted writer Alissa Nutting. It is conniving of a protagonist character Celeste price who recounts the sensuality from a 14-year-old It is a coequal story as Lolita whereas Tampa was been considered as the “Taboo’’ to the reader. Later in 2014, Tampa was banned in several Australian book stores but art is something ambit on the hearts of the reader and thus, Harmony Korine has adapted this book to draft an ageless and temerarious movie. No doubt it has made it to our list of most controversial novels of all time.

5. And Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell & Justin Richardson:


This book is an exquisite example of storytelling on a gigantic level. It is the tear-jerking story of a gay penguin couple Roy and silo who likes to spend their time together in the central park zoo and the long run they adopted a female chick named Tango. Preciously considering, this is a children’s book and with an out in the cards story plot this book was banned for prevailing same-sex originated concept. As U.S and Singapore were the stellar countries to find such a kind of unparalleled book banned.

What do you think about these books? Is it controversial or path-breaking? Comment below:

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