
“Fat-Phobic,” “Racist” Comments Upset Lizzo As She Tries to Stay Positive: States “I’m Not Serving Anyone But Myself”

“Fat-Phobic,” “Racist” Comments Upset Lizzo As She Tries to Stay Positive: States “I’m Not Serving Anyone But Myself”
New Update

Lizzo is back in action after publishing her new single “Rumors,” with the video for her Cardi B alliance releasing on Friday.


But while Lizzo fans are likely eager about the new song, it looks like some people are still going after the three-time Grammy winner for her impression, and the “hurtful” statements got to be too much for the “Truth Hurts” singer on Sunday.

Talking in an Instagram live, Lizzo got emotional, saying she’s extremely sensitive when she’s been working as hard as she has been lately.


“On the days when I should feel the happiest, it just — I feel so down,” she told, as she patted at her eyes with tissues and recollected working “triple” and “quadruple” time, 12-hour days with the press, preparations, shooting, writing music and time in the studio. She even worked after a root canal, she said. “Sometimes I feel like the world just don’t love me back. It’s like it doesn’t matter how much positive energy you put into the world, you’re still gonna have people who have something mean to say about you.”

In the almost 13-minute long video that after uploading was deleted but conserved by fans, Lizzo explained that she’s OK if people don’t want her music, but she’s watching personal charges directed at the way she looks: “People saying shit about me that just doesn’t even make sense. It’s fat-phobic, it’s racist, and it’s hurtful.”

Eventually, though, Lizzo attempted to stay positive and not let the haters push her down.


“I’m not making music for anybody. I’m a Black woman making music,” she told. “I make Black music, period. I’m not serving anyone but myself. Everyone is invited to a Lizzo show, to a Lizzo song. To this good energy. Everyone is invited. …For the people that just are always going to have something negative to say about me, that has nothing to do with music, or the content of my character, or me as an artist, and just has everything to do with my body or whatever trope you think I fall into, suck my pussy from behind,” she said. “‘Cause y’all motherfuckers gonna be the main ones catching up.”

And Lizzo claimed she wouldn’t sit still for people going after other Black women who look like she does.

“What I won’t accept is y’all doing this to Black women over and over and over again, especially us big Black girls,” she said. “When we don’t fit into the box that you want to put us in, you just unleash hatred onto us. It’s not cool. I’m doing this shit for the big Black women in the future who just want to live their lives without being scrutinized or put into boxes.”


She also went on to tweet, “Loving yourself in a world that don’t love u back takes an incredible amount of self awareness & a bullshit detector that can see through ass backwards societal standards… if u managed to love yourself today I’m proud of u. If u haven’t, I’m still proud of u. This shits hard.”

Cardi B upheld her collaborator, retweeting a fan’s who captured Lizzo’s video and essay, “When you stand up for yourself they claim your problematic & sensitive. When you don’t they tear you apart until you crying like this. Whether you skinny,big,plastic, they going to always try to put their insecurities on you. Remember these are nerds looking at the popular table.”

Cardi continued, “‘Rumors’ is doing great. Stop trying to say the song is flopping to dismiss a woman emotions on bullying or acting like they need sympathy. The song is top 10 on all platforms. Body shaming and callin her mammy is mean & racist as fuck.”


Lizzo retweeted Cardi’s first tweet and thanked her for her assistance and said Chloe Bailey, who conveyed her gratitude for Lizzo, “fuck the haters We Rise.”

On Monday, it appeared like Lizzo was in high spirits and grasping the new day, tweeting, “A new chance to win! We already winning !”

Other celebrities who conveyed their assistance for Lizzo on social media contained Jameela Jamil, Octavia Spencer, Stacey Abrams and Shonda Rhimes.


Watch Lizzo’s full Instagram live video below.

#Pop #Lizzo #Fat shaming #International #Hollywood #Fans
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