
Afghanisthan Taliban Crisis: Taliban Fighters enter Presidential Palace in Kabul

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Afghanisthan Taliban Crisis: Taliban Fighters enter Presidential Palace in Kabul
New Update

The Al-Jazeera news network is airing footage of a large group of Taliban fighters inside the presidential palace in the Afghan capital.


Afghanisthan's President Ashraf Ghani relinquished power to an interim government led by Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. "In order to avoid the bloodshed, I thought it was best to get out," Ghani said in a statement as he fled the country. Nations such as the US, UK, Germany and Canada are using their troops to evacuate their nationals.

According to Associated Press, At the same time, the US Embassy in Kabul has suspended all operations and told Americans to shelter in place, saying it has recieved reports of gunfire at the international airport.

#Taliban News #Taliban #Kabul capture #Kabul #China to secure afganistan #China #Afganistan Taliban #Afganistan crisis #Afganistan
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