
Here's what Dave Bautista went through during his struggle with poverty before Guardians of the Galaxy Happened!

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Here's what Dave Bautista went through during his struggle with poverty before Guardians of the Galaxy Happened!

Dave Bautista aka Batista known for his portrayal of Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy, has gained is fame through his journey in WWE. Before soaring to success, being part of the hugest movie franchise in the world Avengers, Dave has encountered way too many crusades thats heart-wrenching.


Drax is the role that enabled him to stay in industry, else, we wouldn’t have been able to see the ‘actor’ aspect of our big guy. He withstood poverty to the degree that he had to borrow cash from people to buy gifts for his kids on Christmas.

In an interview with IGN, Dave Bautista said, “For people to really understand how much my life has changed, they would have to understand where I came from, what I went through when I was in wrestling, what I left behind to take a chance on going into acting,” Bautista explained the website.

Dave Bautista also put in, “And when I got the role of Drax in Guardians, I barely worked in three years. So I’d really left wrestling behind, and I could have gone back with my tail between my legs, but I still have been just stuck in a place that I would never have gone any further, but I just took a chance. And then when I got , not only because I was broke, . When I say broke, my house was foreclosed, I had nothing, man. I sold all my stuff. I sold everything that I made from I was wrestling. I had issues with the IRS. I was just lost in everything.”


On ‘Drax‘ being the life-saving character, Dave Bautista surmised by telling, “So Drax didn’t just change my career. It literally changed the trajectory of my life. My life just got better, and I just became more successful. And that’s when things really just started to seem like surreal. It wasn’t many years when I was just like borrowing money to pay for food, pay for rent. Borrow money to buy my kids Christmas presents. It wasn’t long before all that stuff . So it happened for me fast, which made it seem even that much more surreal. But it did; it changed my life. It gave me a life.”

Dave Bautista is completely a motivation for all those who are uncovering a ray of hope for those who are amid the chaos of life.

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