
Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 23 July 2021:

By sapna
Gaze at your future; Astrological prediction for 23 July 2021:
New Update

Find out that stars are lined up in your favour or not by checking this astrological prediction:)


Aries (March 21-April 20):

A vacation promises much rest and rejuvenation. Stars favor property issues. Favorable outcome may be expected on the academic front. Arranging the house for a party or function can keep some happily engaged. Those trying to come back in shape will succeed. You may not receive the expected amount in a financial transaction. Sharing someone's responsibilities at work cannot be ruled out.


Love Focus: Chances of falling head over heels for someone on the romantic front cannot be ruled out!

Lucky Colour: Golden

Lucky Alphabet: P


Friendly Numbers: 4, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Sagittarius

Beware of: Cancer


Taurus (April 21-May 20):

Help at hand on the domestic front can be expected. This is a good time to plan a trip out of town to meet someone. Property owned by you is likely to give good monetary returns. A make or break situation may arise on the academic front, but you will be able to tackle it well. Handsome returns can be expected from investments made previously. Health concerns that had been troubling your mind are set to disappear. Setting up something new may take a lot of time at work.


Love Focus: Someone who has caught your fancy on the romantic front may send positive signals.

Lucky Colour: Brown

Lucky Alphabet: N


Friendly Numbers: 2, 4, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Pisces & Virgo

Beware of: Leo


Gemini (May 21-Jun 21):

You are likely to take up an exercise regimen and sincerely follow it. Financial security is assured. Busy schedule is likely to leave you very little time for the family, but you will manage to do the balancing act. Vacation beckons those who look forward to having a good time. Your academic efforts will prove satisfactory, but you will need to maintain the tempo. Tackling an important responsibility on the professional front will do your career good.


Love Focus: Closeness with the one you love is likely to increase.

Lucky Colour: Light Gray

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 4,9, 13

Friendly Zodiac Today: Cancer & Virgo

Beware of: Aries

Cancer (Jun 22-July 22):

Health remains satisfactory. Extra workload at office may compel you to keep some pressing issues pending. You can turn your attention to something new on the academic front. Peace and quiet may elude you on the domestic front. Someone close can nag you into shape! Money constraints are set to ease, so start planning a shopping spree!

Love Focus: An outing with lover will be enjoyable, so plan on a long-distance tour

Lucky Colour: Forest Green

Lucky Alphabet: K

Friendly Numbers: 8, 10

Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Scorpio

Beware of: Taurus

Leo (July 23-August 23):

A lot of money is likely to flow in, as your initiative takes root. Your spirits are likely to be raised, as an ongoing project turns profitable. Some tensions on the domestic front cannot be ruled out. Exciting time is in store for those out on vacation. Expect to get VIP treatment, as your social life perks up.

This seems to be an excellent day for you. Health is likely to improve through your initiative.

Love Focus: You are likely to get ignored by someone you secretly love.

Lucky Colour: Bluish Green

Lucky Alphabet: I

Friendly Numbers: 10, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Aries & Libra

Beware of: Gemini

Virgo (August 24-September 23):

A profitable deal is likely to come within your grasp, but not without adequate efforts. Travel by road will be comfortable. Differences with a parent or a family elder are possible and upset you. Positive thoughts will make the day positive for you. Value of property owned by you is likely to escalate, so expect good returns to flow in. Keeping track of something or someone may prove an uphill task. You may become health conscious and start shaking a leg.

Love Focus: Someone who has a soft corner for you is likely to take the first step on the romantic front.

Lucky Colour: Magenta

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 15, 12

Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Capricorn

Beware of: Aries

Libra (September 24-October 23):

Your help to someone on the family front is likely to be fully reciprocated. A journey to a distant land will be both comfortable and educative. Anything connected with real estate is likely to prove profitable. Money from an unexpected source can be expected and promises to fill your coffers substantially. Taking healthy food and drinks promises to keep you fit. Exceeding the sanctioned amount at work may not cut ice with superiors.

Love Focus: Planning out something on the romantic front with the one you love is possible.

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Lucky Alphabet: L

Friendly Numbers: 3, 6, 9

Friendly Zodiac Today: Scorpio & Sagittarius

Beware of: Virgo

Scorpio (October 24-November 22):

A pat on the back can be expected on the professional front. Comfort on the family front is much indicated. A fun time is in store for those planning an outing today. Handsome returns can be expected in the property market. Your efforts on the social front will come in for praise. An advice given by someone may prove priceless on the health front. Although inflow of money decreases, you still have enough to put your ideas into practice.

Love Focus: You are likely to create a situation, just to meet lover!

Lucky Colour: Red

Lucky Alphabet: V

Friendly Numbers: 1, 11

Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Pisces

Beware of: Cancer

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21):

Professional developments will be favorable and bring lots of opportunities. Family get-together will give you a chance to mingle with cousins and other relatives. Acquiring property is indicated for some. Planning something on the social front may keep some gainfully employed. An exciting time is foreseen in the company of friends today. Keeping a positive frame of mind will help keep you fit and energetic. Your cost cutting measures will prove effective.

Love Focus: You will manage to keep partner happy on the love front by doing things together.

Lucky Colour: Golden

Lucky Alphabet: N

Friendly Numbers: 2, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Leo & Libra

Bewareh of: Taurus

Capricorn (December 22-January 21):

Businesspersons will be able to think up some good business strategies to maintain current profits. Someone close can contribute towards your upkeep. Problems are foreseen for those travelling by road. Today, you will get the chance that you had been eagerly waiting for. Your luck turns for the better. A balanced diet will ensure good health. You are likely to remain financially stable, as earning remains steady.

Love Focus: Lover may surprise you with some original ideas on the romantic front, so just follow directions and enjoy.

Lucky Colour: Rose

Lucky Alphabet: S

Friendly Numbers: 10, 14

Friendly Zodiac Today: Libra & Aquarius

Beware of: Leo

Aquarius (January 22-February 19):

Something special may be done on the home front. Differences with a co-worker threaten to spoil the work environment. Investing in property now will be a good idea. You may enjoy driving around all by yourself today.

Plans for going abroad can be underway for some. You are likely to enjoy good health. Raising capital for a venture may not prove much difficult.

Love Focus: Becoming a willing partner will help make the romantic front more exciting.

Lucky Colour: Light Pink

Lucky Alphabet: J

Friendly Numbers: 13, 18

Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Virgo

Beware of: Scorpio

Pisces (February 20-March 20):

Someone close to you may suggest a suitable mate for your child or someone close. A lucrative property deal materializes. Good company will make the distance shorter in a journey. An adventure activity can give you the high you seek! Good health will motivate you to keep up your workout regimen. Loan given to someone will be returned. Self-employed are likely to set up a new office.

Love Focus: Lover may seem a bit reserved and may want you to be around.

Lucky Colour: Light Gray

Lucky Alphabet: O

Friendly Numbers: 1, 4, 8

Friendly Zodiac Today: Sagittarius & Libra

Beware of: Cancer

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